DrFugazi@Work Blog

Funambol – first try

Funambol is Open Source software, which act as a server BIS (BlackBerry Internet Server) and provide contacts, calendars, notes and email synchronization with BlackBery devices.
Funambol is not only BIS server – it also provides related projects like plugins to most popular email clients like Outlook or Thunderbird, desktop software provides synchronization of contacts with Mac OS X, Google Mail, Yahoo or Evolution. There are also applications to mobile phones with Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android and for iPhone and others. But at first I will attend synchronization server.

Funambol – first try

Funambol is Open Source software, which act as a server BIS (BlackBerry Internet Server) and provide contacts, calendars, notes and email synchronization with BlackBery devices.
Funambol is not only BIS server – it also provides related projects like plugins to most popular email clients like Outlook or Thunderbird, desktop software provides synchronization of contacts with Mac OS X, Google Mail, Yahoo or Evolution. There are also applications to mobile phones with Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android and for iPhone and others. But at first I will attend synchronization server.

Funambol – pierwsze podejście

Funambol to oprogramowanie Open Source, które działa jako serwer BIS (BlackBerry Internet Server) i umożliwia synchronizację kontaktów, kalendarzy, notatek i poczty z urządzeniami wykorzystującymi usługę BlackBerry.
Funambol to jednak nie tylko serwer BIS, to także powiązane projekty takie jak wtyczki do popularnych klientów poczty takich jak Outlook czy Tunderbird, oprogramowanie klienckie umożliwiające synchronizację kontaktów z Mac OS X, Google Mail, Yahoo czy Evolution. To także aplikacje dla telefonów z systemem Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone i innych. Ale na początek zajmę się samym serwerem synchronizacji.

Funambol – pierwsze podejście

Funambol to oprogramowanie Open Source, które działa jako serwer BIS (BlackBerry Internet Server) i umożliwia synchronizację kontaktów, kalendarzy, notatek i poczty z urządzeniami wykorzystującymi usługę BlackBerry.
Funambol to jednak nie tylko serwer BIS, to także powiązane projekty takie jak wtyczki do popularnych klientów poczty takich jak Outlook czy Tunderbird, oprogramowanie klienckie umożliwiające synchronizację kontaktów z Mac OS X, Google Mail, Yahoo czy Evolution. To także aplikacje dla telefonów z systemem Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone i innych. Ale na początek zajmę się samym serwerem synchronizacji.


Some of basic informations, from http://www.gnupg.org/ site:

GnuPG is the GNU project‘s complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by
RFC4880. GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key managment system as well as access modules for all kind of public key directories. GnuPG, also known asGPG, is a command line tool with features for easy integration with other applications. A wealth of frontend applications and
libraries are available. Version 2 of GnuPG also provides support for S/MIME.

GnuPG is Free Software (meaning that it respects your freedom). It can be freely used, modified and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

GnuPG comes in two flavours:
1.4.10 is the well known and portable standalone version, whereas
2.0.15 is the enhanced and somewhat harder to build version.

Project Gpg4win provides a Windows version of GnuPG. It is nicely integrated into an installer and features several frontends as well as (German) manuals.

Project Aegypten developed the S/MIME functionality in GnuPG 2.


Dice Logo

“This page offers a better way to create a strong, yet easy to remember passphrase for use with encryption and security programs. Weak passwords and passphrases are one of the most common flaws in computer security. Take a few minutes and learn how to do it right. The information presented here can be used by anyone.”

This is cite from original home page of Diceware Passphrase: http://world.std.com/~reinhold/diceware.html


Dice Logo

“This page offers a better way to create a strong, yet easy to remember passphrase for use with encryption and security programs. Weak passwords and passphrases are one of the most common flaws in computer security. Take a few minutes and learn how to do it right. The information presented here can be used by anyone.”

This is cite from original home page of Diceware Passphrase: http://world.std.com/~reinhold/diceware.html

BlackBerry for the first time

Few days ago I received a copy of mail about possibility of run BlackBerry solution at University of Silesia. I conclude that I should familiarize with this subject and software, which can serve this kind of services. Assume that our mail servers does not work under control of any followed systems: MS Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino, Novell GroupWise, then for today we can not run BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server) and we must to run BIS (BlackBerry Internet Server) service, which synchronize mail using standard protocols as IMAP, POP3 and SMTP. I received at once link to Funambol software, which has those capacities. For those who are not familiar with BlackBerry I placed here (marketing) description from http://uk.blackberry.com/ page:

BlackBerry for the first time

Few days ago I received a copy of mail about possibility of run BlackBerry solution at University of Silesia. I conclude that I should familiarize with this subject and software, which can serve this kind of services. Assume that our mail servers does not work under control of any followed systems: MS Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino, Novell GroupWise, then for today we can not run BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server) and we must to run BIS (BlackBerry Internet Server) service, which synchronize mail using standard protocols as IMAP, POP3 and SMTP. I received at once link to Funambol software, which has those capacities. For those who are not familiar with BlackBerry I placed here (marketing) description from http://uk.blackberry.com/ page:

BlackBerry po raz pierwszy

Kilka dni temu dostałem kopię służbowego maila na temat możliwości uruchomienia usługi (rozwiązania) BlackBerry na Uniwersytecie. Wywnioskowałem z niej, że trzeba rozpoznać temat i zająć się uruchomieniem oprogramowania, które będzie taką usługę świadczyć. Jako że nasze serwery poczty nie pracują pod kontrolą żadnego z wymienionych systemów: MS Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino ani Novell GroupWise, to na dzień dzisiejszy nie możemy uruchomić usługi BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server) i trzeba będzie uruchomić rozwiązanie typu BIS (BlackBerry Internet Server), które synchronizuje pocztę z wykorzystaniem standardowych protokołów takich jak IMAP, POP3 i SMTP. Dostałem też od razu link do oprogramowania Funambol, które takie możliwości posiada. Dla tych, którzy nie mieli styczności z BlackBerry zamieszczam krótki (marketingowy) opis ze strony Orange: