DrFugazi@Work Blog

03. Additional software

When you have installed operating system and developement tools, then we can install additional software which will serve network services on server or cluster. Again – there is several ways to install this kind of software: prepared packages from Sun, binary packages from community or other companies or sources, which you must to unpack and compile. I usually prefer last option.

02. System software

After installation and basic configuration of operating system, you usually need to install additional software from Sun/Oracle. I install developement toolkit and compilers from SunStudio. If you wiil build cluster, then you will need Solaris Cluster and related packages.

01. Installation

You can install Solaris different ways. The simpliest one is to put DVD to drive, sit down near graphical console, keyboard, mouse and click for installation options. But this way you can install Desktop station or small server install.
If you have more hardware and especially you want to build High Availability installation, where essential thing is homogenous of systems then worth of attention are other methods of installation as Flash Archive or Custom Jumpstart.
You must to find your own preffered type, I prefer now Custom Jumpstart.

Solaris 10

Solaris 10

Installation, configuration, administration and daily cases.

You will find here some informations about installation, configuration and administration of Unix systems. As I work mainly on Solaris 10, then most of stories will concern this system. Anyway, there is a lot of pages about Linux in the Internet, but Solaris has its own folklores. If you want to work with Solaris you need to learn those “folklores”. I will try to give you some solutions. My daily duties are administration and implementation of network services, then if I will have some spare time, I will write about it too.


Projekt OpenSSL jest wspólnym wysiłkiem podjętym w celu rozwijania solidnego, pełnowartościowego zestawu narzędzi Open Source o komercyjnej jakości, implementującego protokoły Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) i Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) oraz w pełni silną bibliotekę kryptograficzną ogólnego zastosowania.
Projekt jest zarządzany przez ogólnoświatową społeczność wolontariuszy, którzy używają Internetu do komunikacji, planowania i rozwijania OpenSSL i skojarzonej z projektem dokumentacji.


The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a full-strength general
purpose cryptography library.
The project is managed by a worldwide community of volunteers that use the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL toolkit and its related documentation.

Funambol – first run

OK. I assume that we have installed Funambol, as I described here. It is time to run the server. Go to the Funambol directory (default: /opt/Funambol) and run:
# ./bin/funambol start
if you are lucky the server will start, but on Solaris, you need to modify scripts, because you problably will see that message:

./bin/funambol: J2EE_HOME=/opt/Funambol/tools/tomcat: is not an identifier

and again – this is compatibility problem between Linux and Unix shell. But personally I think, that Funambol developers should correct this, and in place of:

Funambol – first run

OK. I assume that we have installed Funambol, as I described here. It is time to run the server. Go to the Funambol directory (default: /opt/Funambol) and run:

# ./bin/funambol start

if you are lucky the server will start, but on Solaris, you need to modify scripts, because you problably will see that message:

./bin/funambol: J2EE_HOME=/opt/Funambol/tools/tomcat: is not an identifier

and again – this is compatibility problem between Linux and Unix shell. But personally I think, that Funambol developers should correct this, and in place of:

Funambol – pierwsze uruchomienie

OK. Zakładam, że mamy zainstalowany serwer Funambol, tak jak opisałem tutaj. Nadszedł czas na uruchomienie serwera. Proszę wejść do katalogu Funambol (domyślnie: /opt/Funambol) i wykonaj polecenie:
# ./bin/funambol start
jeśli masz szczęście to serwer wystartuje, ale na Solarisie trzeba zmodyfikować skrypty startowe, gdyż prawdopodobnie zobaczysz taki komunikat:

./bin/funambol: J2EE_HOME=/opt/Funambol/tools/tomcat: is not an identifier

i znów – jest to problem kompatybilności powłok pomiędzy Linuxem a Unixem. Osobiście uważam jednak, że deweloperzy Funambola powinni poprawić to tak, aby działało na obu systemach, wystarczy w miejsce:

Funambol – pierwsze uruchomienie

OK. Zakładam, że mamy zainstalowany serwer Funambol, tak jak opisałem tutaj. Nadszedł czas na uruchomienie serwera. Proszę wejść do katalogu Funambol (domyślnie: /opt/Funambol) i wykonaj polecenie:
# ./bin/funambol start
jeśli masz szczęście to serwer wystartuje, ale na Solarisie trzeba zmodyfikować skrypty startowe, gdyż prawdopodobnie zobaczysz taki komunikat:

./bin/funambol: J2EE_HOME=/opt/Funambol/tools/tomcat: is not an identifier

i znów – jest to problem kompatybilności powłok pomiędzy Linuxem a Unixem. Osobiście uważam jednak, że deweloperzy Funambola powinni poprawić to tak, aby działało na obu systemach, wystarczy w miejsce: